As our name suggests, we are highly selective in the pieces we admit. We love visceral, unique, surprising, and experimental writing. We love work that sticks with us and considers both the ordinary and the extraordinary. We might reject you, but we’re poets; rejection is in our blood.

​Please send us 3-5 poems, and keep them all in one, easy-to-access editable file (e.g. a word doc).

We do accept simultaneous submissions, however please contact us and withdraw your submission if it is published elsewhere.

Email all submissions directly to, along with a short author bio that includes social media handles, personal websites of any sort, previous publications, and other cool details about your life as a writer. Thank you— and we look forward to reading your work!

We usually require at least 3 months of time to read through submissions and respond to contributors, so please do not contact us concerning your submission before then.

If accepted, Rejected Lit claims First Electronic Rights and First North American Rights, meaning that publications here at RLM must be the first publication to feature the work online and/or in print.

As of 2025, we will be able to pay our accepted authors 30.00 USD per accepted poem. We are thrilled to finally have the funds to reward our wonderful contributors.