by Eliot Cardinaux

Where you can’t 
imagine me 

October turns the hillside
         & backwards green 

At night 
in the sleepless order 
              of the house, 
beneath the dogeared sheets
the city mourns you. 

Glares above my dream. 

If a crisis had eyes, 
her lights 
would open them 

Don’t wait for fate 
to place your memory
back on the street 

Some days I lean 
like a fisherman 
& float out in

About the author

Eliot Cardinaux was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1984, and spent time growing up in Geneva, Switzerland. He is a writer, translator, pianist, and composer working at the intersection of lyric poetry and improvised music. He studied briefly at Manhattan School of Music, and Conservatorium van Amsterdam, before completing his undergraduate degree in music at New England Conservatory. He went on to attain his MFA in poetry at The University of Massachusetts in Amherst. He has toured extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe. Eliot is the author of one full-length poetry collection, On the Long Blue Night (Dos Madres Press, 2023). His poems have appeared in Jacket2, Café Review, Fortnightly Review, Spectra Poets, Big Big Wednesday, Talisman, Caliban Online, Bloodroot, The Arts Fuse, Spoon River Poetry Review, and other journals. His translations have appeared in Solstice and Tupelo Quarterly. Eliot’s albums include American Thicket, Out of Our Systems, and Pavane. He is also the founder of The Bodily Press, an independent chapbook press and record label. He has taught at UMass Amherst, and worked as a bookseller at Amherst Books.


Lea Lumière


Laura Cesarco Eglin