bebe krevi so dve glavi, ko makedonsko zemjište
by Bianca Josivoski
I've seen you before
neck snapped
on an American roadside
taking your last breath
of life as one
The same sky is not
the only cursed heirloom we share
as two lonely anomalies
separated by lands and species
our fears united by red strings
On my birthdays
I sob stars for you
Those candle wishes are useless
prayers for your hoof
in my hand
What will they do to you
when they find you?
Will they poke and prod
their little scientific wonder
only to doom you to death upon diagnosis?
Ne placchi bebe kreva ne si sama
there are others in my own head too
If the Orthodox God that reigns is kind then at the border of beasts and humans
we will meet again
About the author
Bianca Josivoski is a queer Macedonian-American poet and editor at Antler Velvet Magazine. She received her BA in creative writing and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from The Ohio State University. A lover of the monstrous and grotesque, she is always peering into the dark to see what she will find.