by Davis Martin
to consume / or to be consumed / spoken in whispers around
the house / or written on street signs / above the lights
across / I am among the verdant grasses / melding with
the greenery / eaten alive / eating / among the fireflies
mindlessly interceding death / I have written over the doors
prepared the rooms / filled the lanterns / detuned the
strings / buried the roads / to see / or to have been seen
holding a knife to someone’s throat / it’s in the mirror
in the hallway / it’s marked with a gravestone out back
I would die for you I said / over the entryway / driven across
the doorstep / I am above the setting sun / to be alone / or
just to be / there is victory / spoken in
whispers / around the house / crawling perpendicular
to death / I have prayed for rain / I have closed my
eyes / on my knees I awoke / to consume / or to be
consumed / I have lifted you to my lips / I have
written over the doors / I have seen you in
the streets / I can feel you now / yes, even now
I can feel you / I can feel you now / yes, I can feel you
About the author
Davis Martin is a composer and writer currently working as a Teaching Fellow at the Hartt School where he is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts in Music Composition. In addition to composing, he maintains an active performing career as a vocalist, specializing in opera and new music. His work in both musical and literary idioms draws from horror, his queer experience, and his Southern roots. In Davis’ free time, he enjoys photography and tending to his growing collection of plants. He can be found online @davisforpres and at davismartinmusic.com.