by Kwame Daniels

in the act of perception we are rendered 

there is only the cane, 
there is only the cripple

    cripping our clothes, 
cripping our queerness, 
cripping our speech
    are there enough ways that you know we are disabled?

weighing the sound of skin on dry skin
the thump of the cane 
against tiled floor

    iridescent scales running down the shaft
    we used to dream 
we were descended from mermaids

a descent into madness quickened by dreaming
each bead of sweat 
soaking our clothes into waking

    in the wake of illness, 
we suffer banality
        each mark of fatigue like chipped nail polish

nailing the shaft in place 
as we lean on the cane
but in the act of perception 
we are rendered invisible

About the author

Kwame Sound Daniels is a mad black trans artist based out of Maryland. Xe are a VCFA MFA candidate and an Anaphora Arts Residency Fellow. Xir debut poetry collection (Light Spun) came out with Perennial Press August 2022. Xe often write about xir disabilities and xir spiritual identity seated in blackness and ancestral worship. You can find xem on Instagram, @the.okra.winfrey or on xir website, where xir publications are listed. Kwame learns plant medicine, pickles vegetables, and paints in xir spare time.


Davis Martin


Gabriel Waite