by Syd Westley
i was not born riotous i just asked
and asked and asked and no one
answered recursive violence name it
infinite loop name it
do you want the names
of all my dead trans
friends i didn’t think so
feminism is getting in the way
of my will to live HA i joke
whenever i truly mean something it’s okay
no one takes me seriously
anyways more self -inflicted violence
name it (echo) (echo)
name it two women are fighting
in front of my apartment they are yelling about
gaslighting they don’t
see me
i always slip in
without notice
a hole
(echo) (echo)
i wake up take my lexapro
see the trees have turned golden overnight
i wake up and
my body looks the same
my chest the same small nipples the same my thighs
the same BURN EVERY
IMAGE OF ME i yell at my lover i am scared
to look at anything
because everything reflects
my same
name it each day i call
the doctor each day
i get a voicemail THE DOCTOR IS NOT
ABLE name it i am vain
like a child selfish asking
for so much thinking i deserve
my nipples make every outfit better
they are the perfect size the perfect shape
men stare at them women stare
at them non-binary people stare
at them i make everyone hot and
it’s been a while since i had an orgy
but you better believe
people get on their hands and knees to see
me and touch me
among so many bodies i thrive bodies
lose form i don’t mind the weight
of flesh people want me
and i give them what they want name it
i stopped calling the doctor
because he never picked up
i stopped going to class
because the teacher hated me
for hating feminism
i started having sex
because it was the
truth recursive violence
could be
a delight
About the author
Syd Westley (they/them) is a trans poet and artist from the Bay Area. They are currently pursuing their MFA in poetry from Washington University in St. Louis. Their work has been supported and/or published by Lambda Literary, Frontier Poetry, Lantern Review, and others.